Here it is again, the end of the month, the fifth week of my normally four week grocery cycle, and I find myself scouring the pantry and cupboards and freezer for 7 days’ worth of gourmet nearly nutritious meals to fill the 7 bellies that pull up to my table each day. You can read below what I came up…
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The Hidden Art of Homemaking – Chapter 5
Interior Decoration “We all live somewhere. A castle, a palace, a mansion . . . a suburban home . . . a farmhouse . . . a Swiss chalet . . . an apartment in a New York skyscraper . . . a trailer . . . a tent . . . a hut . . .” In chapter 5…
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Wrapping Up Another School Year
Our 21st year, to be exact. After 21 years you would think I’d know all there was to know. Not true. What I do know is that I don’t know it all. I have often said my own education began when we began homeschooling. I didn’t know how much I didn’t know until then. I’m still learning, my kids are…
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Today is Launch Day for Homeschool Survival
My friend Sarah, from Sidetracked Sarah, is launching her new site today which she has named Homeschool Survival. This is a terrific resource where many are sharing their experiences about how they have found ways to homeschool through difficult times in life. To celebrate, she is hosting a boat-load of giveaways over the next week – curriculum and gift cards…
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The Hidden Art of Homemaking – Chapter 4
Painting, Sketching, Sculpting Hearing these words conjures up images in my mind of the quiet artist, easel standing at attention, paintbrush poised. Or pad and pencil in hand, waiting quietly for the shadows to fall just so, in order to catch the view in the perfect light. Or up to the elbows dirty, messy with clay-mud. Professionals. Amazing talent. Not…
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