Hello! I’m so glad you stopped by! My amazing husband and I have been married for more than 3 decades and have 8 children ages 11 to adulthood. We’ve also been blessed with 2 daughters-in-law, 2 sons-in-law and 12 grandchildren (so far!). We have been homeschooling for more than a quarter century. We have graduated our first 4 and have only 4 more to go!
It’s been an amazing adventure and a wonderful lifestyle for our family. I cannot imagine living life any other way.

Our Entire Family at Daughter Caitlin’s Wedding – 18 of us so far – make that 19 almost 30 of us now!
{photo source: Salt and Light Photography}
I began blogging a few years back as a way to keep our far-away children, friends and extended family up-to-date on the goings-on around here. Over time, I found others were entertained and encouraged. It seems many could relate to the glimpses of life as I know it. Here at Apron Strings & other things I share tidbits, tales, tricks and tips from my days as a stay-at-home wife and homeschooling mother.
Whether I’m sharing favorite recipes or a creative project, I don’t pretend to “have it all together” and I definitely don’t have all the answers. Unlike Mary Poppins, I’m pretty much imperfect in practically every way. But by the grace of God I wake up each day doing my best with what I have available to me, living a life of full of thanks for the gifts He’s given me. I hope you’ll come visit often, join in the discussion and be blessed by your time here.