“Writing is certainly a medium for communication, as all art forms are. It gives the opportunity for direct communication, for verbalizing thoughts and attitudes, for speaking truth and putting content into expression.” page 138
That really is what it’s all about, isn’t it? Communication? And ‘Hidden Art’. Looking beneath the surface and seeing the beautiful.
In earlier chapters we looked at God the Creator. He is God the Communicator. He communicated His love for us, how we can know Him, how He wants us, how we can be with Him. All of this we can know through His Words. We are made in His Image. He gives us words, thoughts, images to share. Communication.
Scripture is full of accounts of romance, history, adventure, poetry, travel, sacrifice. Such variety God shared with us! Does this mean we should do the same? Telling others of our thoughts, our words, our images is one thing. Putting them down in writing is another. That makes us vulnerable.
Here is a little secret for you. I’ve always wanted to be a writer. I write, in my mind. I have stories floating around in my head. I hear words and pictures spring up in my mind. But very little of it flows from my hand through my pen onto paper. Or from my fingertips through the keyboard onto the screen. Those ideas, those words, those bits of inspiration are very personal. Someone reading may not like them, They may disagree or criticize or step on my heart, so I keep them close and am reluctant to share.
I began blogging so I could share everyday happenings with my far-away children. I’m finding it is becoming more. It is providing a place to stretch and grow a bit. I have tucked away in my ‘memory box’ a little essay I wrote in my Freshman Composition class. It was the first time I remember being told, that, yes, my thoughts and ideas are most definitely worth putting down on paper. Maybe I’ll publish it here for you one day.
Our book study is about “Hidden Art”, but maybe a subtitle could be “Lost Art”, as in The Lost Art of Handwritten Notes. In this age of e-mail and instant messaging and chat windows and digital cameras and photoshop and social media and spell-check and, well, you get the picture, have we lost the ability to touch someone in that most personal way? The other day I received a little thank you card in the mail. A special handwritten thank you, from a special friend, for a tiny little gesture on my part. She wanted me to know it made HER feel special. That made ME feel special. A full circle.
It is easy to make time for the big and obvious. Thank you notes for wedding gifts received? Check. Get well card for Grandparent suffering with pneumonia? Check. A little note of thanks to the daughter who cleaned up the kitchen without being told? Ummm, didn’t think of that. This type of communication is NOT my strength. This is a challenge to myself – take time to share with others, in writing, how they have touched my life in a positive way.
Have you ever heard of a ‘Round-Robin Letter’? One that passes from family member to family member? You write down the news of the day, send it to Grandma or Auntie or Little Sis, they read your news, add their own news, sending it on to the next. They then read your news along with those who’ve added after and on it goes, til it comes back to you, giving you a chance to catch up on all the news.
A good friend of mine has a whole novel in her head, many notes at-the-ready, just waiting. The daughter of a close friend writes beautiful poetry. My own daughter has written short film scripts with her brother and has published a short novel. Many are publishing their own e-books – what a wonderful and easy way to share your words, ideas, thoughts. I had the pleasure of proof reading a novella last year, written by my late-uncle’s wife. It will be exciting to hold an actual published copy in my own hands one day.
God spoke this world into existence with words, maybe our words can brighten the world of those around us. How have others’ written words touched your life? How can you touch the lives of others with your own written words?
You can join along with us as we read through the chapters of this encouraging book each week with Cindy over at Ordo Amoris. Here is a full list of my posts in this series.
I’ll also be sharing at Proverbs 31 Thursdays, Thriving on Thursdays and Hope in Every Season, Fellowship Fridays, and FiveDaysFiveWays.

My grandmother participated in a ‘Sister Letter’ which has now become a ‘Cousin Letter’ for my mom’s generation.
And how interesting that your children are real writers.
Sister Letter, Cousin Letter – how wonderful! I’m afraid this just wouldn’t work among my own sisters, or the cousins 🙁 But family email loops might be a way of improvising and still keeping those connections.
My children amaze me – and the credit is all to God’s glory.
Enjoyed your synopsis and “application”. Sounds like y’all have a writer gene in the family DNA.
Thank you Dana. This study has been fun, and challenging. Writing up these posts has been a wonderful exercise in writing. I’m glad you stopped by today – enjoy your weekend!
wow – thanks for the inspiration to keep writing today! Looking forward to keeping up with your blog! Have a great day. Kim (via Fellowship Fridays).
Thank you Kim 🙂 In enjoy writing and would like to hone my skills, but life distractions get in the way. I suppose without those life distractions, I wouldn’t have anything to write about, eh?
So glad you stopped by – I’m always happy to meet a new friend.
Love this post, and all the different ways we can communicate, even in writing. A handwritten note is a treasure these days.
I’m running late this week due to company but this is one chapter I did not want to miss.
I’m glad you worked this chapter in, Barbara. Thank you for taking time to comment, even amidst your busy week!