Homeschooling Moms are brilliant multi-taskers. Remember the circus act where they guy 10,20,30 plates spinning on skinny posts all at the same time? That’s us. Besides overseeing the education of our brood, there’s laundry and meals and music lessons and skinned knees and hurt feelings and . . . well, you know.
And then life throws in the big stuff. Like a wedding. Yes, my daughter’s wedding. This week my friend Sarah has given me the opportunity to share over at Homeschool Survival how a mom can Survive Homeschooling when her Daughter Plans Her Wedding.
I love reading the stories from all the authors who write at Homeschool Survival. I always find inspiration and encouragement, even if my circumstances are very different than theirs. Many of the solutions and tools they find to cope are universal to whatever situation I find myself in. I highly recommend you take some time and pop over for a little motivational reading.

Photo Credit: Salt and Light Photography
Soon after The Big Event, I shared our daughter’s very own fairy tale story, sharing their courtship story.
I also wrote a series sharing my personal take on the age-old saying: Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something Blue. Enjoy!

Photo Credit: Salt & LIght Photography
And their story is just beginning: The two became one and in 2014 they’ll be three!
Sharing today at: Domestically Divine, Titus 2 Tuesday, Titus 2sday, Hip Homeschool Mom, Welcome Home, Encourage One Another, Whole Hearted Home, Walking Redeemed

Whaaaat! Congratulations to all of you! (Now, off to read your article!)
😀 thanks, Sarah! How are you feeling these days? Pulled up your blog today to catch up. I’m a bit behind. So nice to see your sweet smile – glad you stopped by!
Great tips! I love the suggestion to have a “after the wedding we will” list to write down all the stuff that’s been set aside. Very clever!
Our homeschooling days are over as mine have graduated. But we often would double up our schooling during the week so that they could have a light day on Friday. When the kids were very young we doubled up and took Friday off. But as they got older we needed the extra time, so we STILL doubled up on some subjects and kept it a light school day.
My oldest is getting married in the fall. We are not really involved in planning the wedding as we are parents of the groom, lol! Thanks for linking up to “Making Your Home Sing Monday.” The next time you link up I’d love it if you would include a courtesy link back to my blog next to your other link ups! Thank you, my friend! 🙂
Congratulations on the upcoming wedding – it is so fun to watch our families grow 🙂 And to see the young ones we taught begin homes and families of their own?
I do love the felixibility in homeschooling and the freedom we have to adjust our schedules to our lifestyle and seasons of life.
Yes, I will link back to Mom’s the Word – I apologize, an oversight on my part. I’ve really enjoyed browsing around at your blog, and the great links on Making Your Home Sing Monday!
Have a wonderful and blessed week!