As a mother and my children’s educator I’m torn between letting my kids have a summer full of fun and frolic or a summer of “let’s not forget what we learned in school this year!” Is it possible to have both? I say, “yes!”
I’ve seen a lot of bucket lists for summer floating around the internet. What a great idea. Problem is, my bucket list is always more ambitious than my wallet or my energy level will allow. So I’ve decided to be real. The kids are helping make up checklists so we can take care of daily tasks, do some light schooling and include a few fun activities thrown in here and there.
When the heat of the summer kicks in we often find ourselves plopping down in front of the television, or computer screen. That’s reality. I’m not going to pretend this year. I’m going to face facts. But instead of being caught off guard I have a plan!
Along with our checklists we are brainstorming a list of pre-approved tv shows and movies that will be allowed after they’ve seen to the tasks on their checklists. With all the video, streaming, digital options these days I’m more concerned than ever about the quality of entertainment that comes into our home.
I know we all need a little ‘down time’ now and then, but sitting in front of a screen that fills your mind with nonsense or feeds your children with values and ideas that go against your core beliefs is not a good idea. What’s a parent to do?
I’ve been on the lookout for family friendly, Christian, wholesome viewing for all ages. Hard to find you say? That’s what I used to say. Until I happened across Pure Flix
. This online subscription service a large library of quality programming – tv series and movies, documentaries AND EDUCATIONAL shows! According to their website, their goal is “to be the most trusted family-friendly video-streaming source on the web.”
I was excited to see they had a great line up of movies and tv series for the whole family. And the best part? They have a Christian Homeschool Curriculum option. Each week they’ll send recommendations for movies that will fit with different subject areas. Science, History, Geography, etc.
You can view their recommendation right on your computer, television or whatever device on which you view media. Or maybe you’d rather browse a bit to find another choice. No problem! They have a great search feature.
My kids and I have been viewing some of the science videos and a few classics & oldies (Shirley Temple, anyone?) Saturday morning they enjoyed cartoons like 3-2-1 Penguins and Veggie Tales. I’m impressed.
How does all this fit in to our summer checklist and schooling schedule? Well, we’ve chosen certain days and certain times to sit and watch movies or shows on subjects we have been studying and topics we are interested in. We have that list plus a list of things for when everyone has their daily work finished and is ready for some rest & relaxation. And don’t forget Family Movie Night! We now have access to many great options for us all to view together – no small feat when the ages in our household range from 10 to 50+.
I asked my children what their favorite shows have been so far. “Grand Canyon creation documentary” “WOW I Never Knew That!” and 3-2-1 Penguins are the responses I got. I look forward to viewing some things in the Health & Fitness category, too.
Because many of our choices fit within the subjects we are studying in our homeschool, we are learning AND enjoying some entertainment together all at the same time. Win-win! Incorporating movies can help solidify what a child has already study, or it can make a subject come to life. Personally, I’m a visual learner. If I want to retain something, I need to see the words and see the picture in my mind. If I only hear it, I may not remember it.
How will your kids spend their time this summer? Does Pure Flix’s homeschool curriculum sound like a good fit for your family? It’s easy to sign up for their free trial!

PureFlix is one of my favorite online entertainment programs. I also love You and I have a similar mindset. Here in SC, without a pool, we almost hibernate our way through summer because it’s too hot to do anything else comfortably.
that’s great to hear, Crystal! We’ve been happy with Pure Flix – so nice to have a truly family friendly option. I am not familiar with Feeln, thanks for the recommendation.
Enjoy your summer!
I’ve thought I would like Pure Flix, but I didn’t know they had as many learning options- not just entertainment.