Here we are well into the first month of 2015 and I’m looking back on your favorite posts from 2014. You, my awesome readers have visited here at Apron Strings & other things an amazing thousands of times. I’m in awe! Would you like to see your favorites? These posts, though not all originally published during 2014, were the top 10 most visited posts.
And now . . . for our Top Ten Countdown . . . the Apron Strings Way . . .
#10. Our Thanksgiving Tree
For several years, during the month of November, we have built a Thanksgiving Tree from brown paper, handprints, and heart-felt messages, displaying it prominently near the entry of our home. We use this activity to set our hearts and minds on being thankful for God’s provision in the days leading up to Thanksgiving, but it could easily be adapted to other celebrations and holidays.
#9. Mexican Casserole Recipe
Monday night is Mexican Night at our house and this recipe for my Mexican Casserole is one that is easily thrown together and popped into the oven when we are in the mood for something other than your basic taco. This recipe can be adapted to suit your own family’s taste and can be incorporated into a freezer cooking menu as well.
#8. Organizing Our School Room Using Everyday Items
January is often the month for big declutter/organization projects. If you are looking for easy and inexpensive ways to organize your homeschooling supplies or an supplies, for that matter, this post may inspire you a bit! There’s nothing like having a place for everything and everything in its place, especially if it cost you $0. NOTE: throughout January you can pick up The decluttering ebook set from {my affiliate link at} A Slob Comes Clean for only $5!
#7. 10 Things I Do When Planning a New School Year
We may be focusing on goals and plans for the new calendar year, but January is also a good time for evaluating your school year. During the summer months I plan out our upcoming school year following the steps in this post, but mid-winter is a great time to determine what is working and what isn’t, and put plans in place to meet our goals and get back on track.
#6. Aprons – a 31 Day Series
In October I took the 31 Day Challenge along with hundreds of other bloggers and began a series about Aprons. I made it half way through! I still have more posts in this series rolling around my head that will find their way through my finger tips and into upcoming posts. I hope you enjoy the beginnings. Do you have Apron Stories or photos or styles you love? Stop by my facebook page and share with us!
#5. Freezer Cooking – The Apron Strings Way (Intro)
Feeding a large family means spending a lot of time in the kitchen. Raising a large family while homeschooling several children means I don’t have a lot of time to spend in the kitchen. This can be a problem. My solution? Freezer cooking! This post introduces the whys and how comes. Many recipes I share here on this blog are adaptable to a big cooking day, or once a month cooking, as some call it. It’s one of the best sanity-saving tools I have ever come across. You may want to consider it to streamline your busy days.
#4. Learning to be a Homemaker
I’ve been at this homemaking thing for a long time now – over 30 years. I still have many things to learn. I’m working at it as I take time to train my youngest daughters in the arts of homemaking. It can be difficult when their mother is quite flawed and imperfect. Praise God for His Grace and for women from whom we all can learn! I’d like to share more from my favorite books on this topic, so stay tuned!
#3. 5 Camping Activities w/ Printables
It may be the middle of winter, but our camping days are just around the corner. Apparently many of you enjoy getting out on the road and in the great outdoors, too, because you all really enjoyed this post which includes a sampling of activities we use to keep everyone occupied and entertained while on our camping vacations.
2. Joseph’s Coat of Many Colors
Speaking of keeping everyone entertained – How do you keep busy little ones entertained, occupied, and learning for more than a few seconds at a time? Share a real life Bible Story and reinforce it with a hands-on activity. You can read how we do this in our home in this post, but if you’d like more you’ll find twelve lessons in Quick and Easy Bible Lessons for Little Ones. My daughters, daughter-in-law and I wrote it for just this purpose.
AND NOW . . .
The #1 Post from 2014 is . . .
Making Snow Ice Cream!
That’s right! More than any other post ever published on Apron Strings & other things, Making Snow Ice Cream is by far the most popular. You’ll find my recipe and easy to follow steps for making your own snow cream. Much to my children’s disappointment, we’ve had very little snow this winter. But we have another 6 weeks or so before we’ll give up hope for this season. What about you? have you had a snowy winter? maybe you made a batch or two of snow ice cream?
What was your favorite post from 2014? What would you like to see here in 2015? God is good all the time and He’ll have blessings and surprises for us as the days unfold. I’m excited to share them with you. I hope you’ll come along and join me.
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