Homeschool Mother’s Journal
In my life this week…I’ve been able to spend lots of time with family and friends. Early in the week was Ladies Night Out where I heard the actress Linda Evans speak (remember Big Valley? Dynasty?) It was interesting hearing this glamorous actress stand all alone on stage and say all she ever wanted was to be a wife and mother. She did marry, a couple of times. She never had children of her own, but has a step-daughter that she remains close to. I was impressed by how she shared about her failed marriages and depression and other low spots in her life without portraying herself as the victim or blaming anyone else. She’s learned to pick herself up and forge ahead and learn from what’s behind. But, to truly have hope, she needs Jesus. I didn’t hear that in her message.
There was Lego Club and Sisters’ Craft Club and a day at the park with a friend. And laundry and cleaning an cooking and finally – last night, we had a pizza party to celebrate all the June birthdays, and a little Father’s Day thrown in. It was a lot of fun working together in the kitchen making pizzas. We wrapped up the evening with a game of our own version of Jeopardy! with the questions written by our resident 10 year old.
In our homeschool this week… we haven’t returned to any formal sit-down schooling, but as you read above, there is still plenty of learning going on!
Helpful homeschooling tips or advice to share…when planning a new school year, don’t try to fix what isn’t broken. There are so many new and exciting programs and curricula out there, but you just can’t possibly use them all. Don’t be tempted to leave what you are using without good reason. There’s nothing wrong with using the ‘tried-and-true’. This is why we stick with Konos. It works for us!
My favorite thing this week was… watching my daughter create the birthday cakes and decorate for our birthday party. She did a fabulous job. She’s really growing up!
Things I’m working on…the basement. Ugh! I still have piles and piles that came out of the storage room that need to be purged and reorganized and put back in an orderly fashion. We did take a trunk load of stuff to the thrift store the other night – that’s progress!
I’m cooking…something for the cookout tomorrow. Potato Salad maybe? or Macaroni Salad? And we’re baking bread this afternoon, using some of the dough to make cinnamon rolls for Dad tomorrow!
On the blog this week… Lunch for the kids and Chapter 8 – Food!
I’m looking forward to…a day at the spa with my oldest daughter this coming week. And becoming a grandma again in January!
linking up the Homeschool Mother’s Journal and Weird Unsocialized Homeschoolers

Yum, we love making cinnamon rolls! They are our go to for special occasions in the family.
Stopping over from Homeschool Mother’s Journal.
Hi Tristan! So glad you stopped by. My challenge this time around is to have them ready early enough that we can head out the door for Sunday morning Services on time. Enjoy the weekend with your family!
Hello Linda,
I love your blog header! Such a lovely slice of a simple life in those pictures. My husband’s mother used to make cinnamon roles with every loaf of bread she baked. Fond memories. Have a blessed Father’s Day with your family.
Wow! cinnamon rolls every time? My family would love that! I save it for special occasions, that way they appreciate it more, right?
So glad you stopped by, Christine 🙂
Oh, cinnamon rolls…What did I come to post? LOL I nominated you for the Super Sweet Blogger Award! LOL How ironic with the cinnamon rolls!
Oh, my! Oh, wow! Jessy, you are so – SWEET 🙂 Thank you for the nomination, I am honored!
Hi! YUMMY! Cinnamon rolls look delicious. I usually make them for Christmas, but seeing them this morning encourages me to make them for Father’s Day. My hubby LOVES cinnamon rolls! The photograph is the sand looks awesome. Stop by and visit me at A Learning Journey if you get a chance. Here is the link to my weekly journal Sending a “Happy Father’s Day” to the men in your life. Have a blessed day!
Thank you for stopping by, Tracey 🙂 Hope you are enjoying a wonderful Father’s day with hubby and family. I’ll pop over too see you at A Learning Journey.