2015 is coming to a close. How was it for you? Was it a year of highs? or lows? My year, though not exactly a roller-coaster ride, was a mixture of ups and downs. Many blessings and successes sprinkled with some trials and a few failures. I’m choosing to celebrate and rejoice over the good things and to learn from the not-so-good things.
2016 is knocking at the door. Are you ready?! I say bring it on! Every new day is a gift from God, full of surprises and adventure. HE is faithful to His Promises and will provide all we need for whatever the days may bring. Let’s face it head on!
Before we leave 2015, however, let’s take a look back and see what everyone enjoyed most here at Apron Strings & other things. How about a Top Ten Countdown? Ready or not, here it comes!!!
The Top Ten 2015 Blog Posts (and what I learned from them)
10. Washing Dishes is a mighty popular subject. Who knew?! And we do get passionate about it! Just try allowing a friend or family member load or rinse or stack one day this week and see what happens!
9. Menu Planning is something many of us aspire too but only some attain. It seems to be one of those universal goals – “I’ve thought about it . . . I want to . . . Maybe I should give it a try . . . ” – It’s a sanity-saver for me, why don’t you take a stab at it in the new year!
8. Creating Scarf-fantastic for “Scarf Week” this summer with Lauren at A Thinking Closet was tons of fun! And forced me out of my boring little world into a world of creativity and imagination.
7. This heart-felt post was written as a way to encourage other moms, in particular, my own daughters who are now moms. It was a pleasure joining in with other amazing bloggers to giveaway some fantastic Mother’s Day gifts (ya’ll like gifts, don’t you?!) What did I learn from this post? I learned that words will never be able to express the love and awe I have for my girls as I watch them raising their own little ones. I’m so blessed. Who would have ever thought such as needy, imperfectly flawed woman as I would be a part of producing such amazing women? To God be the Glory!
6. Speaking of Lauren, she is my go-to gift-making-gift-giving guru! And she’s written a book to help us in all areas of creative gift-giving! (you can pick up a copy through my affiliate link HERE – thank you very much!) You all loved the interview I did with her, as well as the giveaway we set up. Working with Lauren was a lesson in generosity – Her perky, giving spirit is contagious! BTW-she loves visitors-stop over to see her at The Thinking Closet!
5. It seems I’m not the only one who feels like she’s losing ground at times. I enjoyed writing this In Real Life series in October, even though I didn’t get all 31 posts in. I learned to enjoy what I’ve accomplished, rather than moaning over what didn’t get done. Maybe I should say ‘I’m learning to enjoy’ because this is a lesson I still need to revisit. often.
4. We are all dealing with busy lives in a noisy world, aren’t we? This post was nearly a year ago, and the lesson I am learning is that I haven’t learned my lesson. Hmmmm, I must revisit this post in the new year. And take my own advice more seriously. While the attitudes and schedules in our home are not fully in my control, one thing is for sure, Mama’s example sure does play a big part in how things play out around here!
3. You all just ‘scarfed’ up the creativity and cuteness in my posts from “Scarf Week” didn’t you?! These posts reminded me kids are oozing with creativity if we grown-ups don’t squelch it!
2. Laundry. Really? #2? Yes! We are not only passionate about washing dishes, we are even more passionate about our laundry! Writing this post made me embrace the fact that there is beauty and joy in the mundane, like doing laundry. And it’s OK! And I’m not alone! I heard from many saying they enjoy laundry too. So glad I’m not the only ‘weird’ one out there.
And Now! The Moment We’ve All Been Waiting For!
{Drrruuuummmmmm Roll, Please! . . . . . .}
The 2015 Top Post is . . .
- That’s right! Cookies! The most viewed 2015 post was Cookies for Breakfast. Looks like we all want our breakfast, and cookies too. Lesson learned? Stock the freezer so I can keep the minions happy!
Thanks so much for all your visits, for playing along with my games and giveaways, and for your friendship. Each one of you touch my life in a positive way and I look forward to bringing some of the positive back your way in the new year.

I’m going to be going back to read several of these! Love your Top 10!
aww, thanks Kim! I’m happy to provide some reading material for you 🙂 It’s fun to look back over the months. I always find a few surprises!