I know I know. Christmas? Really? Already? In real life, it isn’t even Halloween yet! I am all for savoring the season, whatever season we may be in, but I’m also one that procrastinates and beats herself up on Christmas Eve for all the wonderful things she wanted to accomplish and didn’t find the time.
A solution I happened upon several years ago was a Christmas Countdown. For the next six weeks I’ll tackle a few tasks that will make our holiday celebrations and traditions more enjoyable because Mama isn’t running around like a chicken with her head cut off. Trust me, in real life, my children have seen this graphic image all too often in their young lives. Not pretty.
Anyway, back to my countdown. Today’s the day that marks six weeks until Christmas! Each week gets a theme or focus. This week is Get Organized Week. That sounds like a big assignment, but really, it’s all about list-making. I print off checklists that help me keep track of guests, gifts, shopping, holiday foods and treats, activities associated with our Christmas celebrations.
I put these checklists into a binder I decorated with cute dividers I made from scrapbook paper (one for each week, plus a few extra.) This binder I call my Christmas Planner. See that? PLANNER. As in PLAN. And In Real Life we all know plans are meant to be changed, right? So whatever gets entered, listed, printed, checked, etc is likely to get moved, altered, edited or even deleted. That’s the beauty of having a plan!
My Christmas Planner and I are planning to bring you updates every week as we get ourselves in gear, looking forward to this very special time of the year.
Are you ready for Christmas? Me Neither. But I plan to be! What do you do to get ready for the Christmas holiday?
Thanks for the visit. You’ll find all my I.R.L. visits by clicking on the coffee cup image. See you tomorrow!
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I absolutely LOVE this, Linda! And what a wonderful to prepare yourself to celebrate for the entire month of December instead of being one big stress-ball that month. You are my role model!
P.S. Check your email because I have some exciting news on my end I wanted to share with you…and it somewhat relates to your awesome blossom calendar, believe it or not!
let’s help each other conquer that holiday stress, shall we Lauren? I’m off to check on that email! Gotta love God’s timing, eh? 😀