Yesterday I shared with you the top ten posts I published in 2015. I loved reading through them, reliving fun memories and being reminded of events of the year. Crazy thing is, many of the most popular posts this year were not posts published in 2015.
So, I said to myself, “Self, don’t you think your readers would like to hear what they think are the best posts?”
“Of course, they would!” says I.
and that’s just what we are going to do. What do you think would be the most popular topic here at Apron Strings & other thing? Motherhood? Sewing and Cooking? Raising kids? Hmmm – let’s find out!
Most Popular Posts Ever on Apron Strings & other things
#10 – Our Thanksgiving Tree – A Family Tradition – This post always makes me smile. <smile> My own children have grown out of the handprint stage, but we still write down our blessings on celebrate all things for which we are grateful. And I now see my grown daughters adapting our tradition with their own children in their own homes. Now, that is really a blessing!
#9 – My Aprons – a 31 Day Series – Though I did not make it through the whole 31 days, it has continued to be popular with my readers, and one of the top searches here on the blog. Hmmmm, it’s time to get back to work and finish this series!
#8 – Learning to be a Homemaker – OK. Another series with good intentions but not quite finished. I still find myself an imperfect homemaker with lessons to learn. I still have two daughters at home and readers who are struggling and learning as well. What homemaking lessons would you like to learn in 2016?
#7 – Resources for Homeschooling Moms – My recommended reading list or homeschooling moms hasn’t changed much. These are all still at the top of my list, and are the books I return to over and over when I need encouragement and inspiration. It looks like many of you are looking for some good reading material, too. I hope you enjoy these as much as I have!
#6 – 5 Camping Activities for Kids (with Printables) – Our family has had all kinds of fun camping across the US and Canada. These activities are tried and true ways to keep your kids happy and entertained while soaking up the great outdoors!
#5 – Snow Ice Cream – Much to my children’s dismay, we have not had enough snow to make this yummy recipe this winter yet. Many of you, though, must see plenty of snow each winter because this post is really popular. And thanks to readers who experience winter when we are having summer, it’s been popular all year round!
#4 – Mexican Casserole (with weekly menu) – Every week it’s “Mexican Monday” at our house and this recipe finds its way into my menu each month. It’s easy to throw together, adapt ingredients to fit what you have on hand and what your family’s taste might be, and it’s a freezable meal too!
#3 – A Camping Scavenger Hunt for Kids – We must have alot of campers in our midst because here’s another very popular post! Don’t let the title fool you, this scavenger hunt idea is great for all ages!
#2 – 10 Things I Do When Planning a School Year – Are you planning out the new year? The tips I share in this post about planning a new school year will be helpful even in January. In fact, I’m re-reading this post myself as we get ready to re-group and get back to school lessons next week!
AND NOW . . .
Joseph’s Coat of Many Colors!
This little post, written after spending an impromptu Sunday morning with my grandchildren has consistently been the most-viewed, most visited post over the last 3 years. I love reliving the memories from that morning, and from years gone by when I used to sit down to activities like this with my own little ones. You loved it so much I asked my grown daughters and daughter-in-law to help me write Quick and Easy Bible Lessons for Little Ones.
Wow! What a list!
Know what I love most about looking through these myself? Many of MY favorite posts published over the last three years are YOUR favorites as well! That helps give me ideas and motivation for great things to come in 2016. Stay tuned!
New Year’s Blessings to you all!

We used to make a Thankful tree each November when the kids were smaller too and I just LOVED it!