Today we are wrapping up this Autumn Inspiration series. This time of year my mind and my hands just itch to get busy with warm and cozy projects, often with gift-giving in mind.
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When I was 12, Grandma Rose taught me to crochet. I’ve been hooking projects big and small ever since. With cooler weather I break out my yarn bag and get to working on those cozy afghans and comfy slippers. When we travel in the fall, I usually take along a project like granny squares or or dishcloths or slippers that I can easily work while riding in the car. At home I often have a larger full-sized afghan to work, destined to be a Christmas gift for someone special maybe?
You don’t know how to knit or crochet? Just do an online search and you’ll find an endless number of sites and videos available to teach you the basics. To learn how to crochet you might begin here or here. To learn more about knitting, this link and this link might be helpful. You can also find inspiration on my Knit & Crochet Pinterest Board. There’s nothing says Autumn like a ball of yarn, a needle in hand and an afghan on your lap.
While we are talking about warm and cozy, quilts probably come to mind. Traditionally, when the cool weather sets in and the harvest season is over, ladies gathered in one another’s homes and spent time visiting around a quilt frame, creating beautiful and practical works of art. The quilting bee!
My husband’s grandmother made a quilt for each grandchild when they married, and then for each great-grandchild when they were born. Now that she isn’t here to bless the future generations, my daughter and I have tried to carry on the tradition. I enjoy the creative aspect, choosing patterns and fabrics for the person to receive the quilt, and we enjoy the time we spend together creating and sewing and finishing the quilts. I am happily planning a new baby quilt for the next grandbaby due this winter. You can see quilting ideas I’ve collected on my Pinterest Quilts Board.
On my to-do list next month is some seasonal sewing. I’ve told you before how I wear an apron everyday. I like having aprons for the seasons and holidays. I’ll be working up new Fall and Christmas aprons. So excited, I can hardly wait to get at my sewing machine!
While you are crafting this fall, don’t forget about the culinary arts. My daughter made this cake using fondant you can purchase in the cake decorating section of Michael’s or Hobby Lobby or even W-mart. It’s like edible playdough. You can tint it any color you want, roll it out, cut and shape it and let them dry. This is something even small children can do with amazing results!
While the cake is in the oven, why not pull out those craft paints and use the season’s colors and textures for inspiration. You can transform blank paper or canvas or flowerpots or cardboard boxes into amazing artwork. The great things is, if you don’t like how it’s turning out, paint over it! I have enjoyed learning to paint using the One Stroke painting method by Donna Dewberry. It’s fun and easy. If I can do it, you can too!
One last idea for you, though it may not be a warm and toasty activity. Take your camera for a stroll and snap photos you can turn into postcards or frame as a gift for someone special or use as an Autumn display in your own home.
Earlier this week I shared some of our favorite Fall foods, quick and easy ideas for adding a touch of Fall to your home and suggestions for getting out and enjoy the season with the family.

Hello Linda,
I’m so glad you stopped by and left a comment at Harvest Lane Cottage. I’m glad to find your blog again. Did you know that your comment came up as a no reply blogger? I was able to find you after I published your comment by clicking on your name, but I wasn’t able to reply directly to you via e-mail. Just thought you might want to know.
Now, I’m going to look at you blog some more. I am inspired by this post to get busy with my Christmas crafting.
Hi Laura! We are gearing up for Christmas crafting and gift-making here too. This weather gets me excited with anticipation of the holidays to come.
Thanks for letting me know about the no reply thing. I’m still working on things after switching from Blogger. I need to fix that if I want my friends and readers to keep up with me, don’t I?
Have a wonderful week, I pray you find some time to get busy on those projects!
Hi Linda,
These are some great ideas. I especially like the fall cake that your daughter made! I also like the idea of taking pictures.
I often have trouble getting craft projects to turn out how I want them to, so these two ideas seem feasible to me. Thanks for the inspiration to get creative!
I’m glad you found some inspiration here, Shannon 🙂 Being creative does not always have to mean being ‘crafty’. I pray you’ll enjoy this autumn season in your own creative way!
Ahaha, you hit a lot of my favorite past times in this post. I enjoy crocheting, knitting, piecing quilts, sewing, and baking…my newest is in the drawing and painting area. This is a fun post to read over again. Thank you for posting so many links to help us learn new things. I seem to have a project going in each area most all the time so when I need a break from one I can do another. *smile* Have a lovely week and thanks again for sharing all of these. Sincerely, Mommy of two growing blessings & so much more!
It sounds like we do have a lot in common 🙂 I have a project started in each of these areas, too! It’s a good thing to keep busy, and satisfying to create things for my loved ones. Enjoy your Autumn Creating!
So many fun fall things! I am hoping one of my daughters or DIL will take up quilting and carry it on in our family too. Such a wonderful thing to pass down and bless the generations with. Thanks for linking with me.
Handcrafts of any kind are a special way for generations to bless one another. I hope your daughters do find ways to share their skills and talents with family. Thanks for visiting and leaving your sweet comment 🙂