There is a lot going on in my little world. Some things are out in the open for all to see. Some things are just every day sort of tasks we muddle through regularly. Some things are loose ends waiting to be bound tightly. Some things are long-time struggles that rear their ugly heads on occasion.
“When we are overwhelmed with life and don’t know what to do, do the next thing.” ~Elisabeth Elliot
Whatever these things are that take me up and down as though I’m on a roller coaster, they are my struggles. I own them. I wrestle with them. They are real. You have your up and down struggles, and joys, and successes. Own them. Work through them. Face them full on and win the victory over them.
Let’s not think too much about that next hill, or that upcoming valley. Let’s just ride out the one we are facing today. That’s what we do in real life. That’s what Christ did in real life. HE claimed victory over sin, conquered death. That’s how I know the victory is mine.
But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. {1 Corinthians 15:57}
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Wonderful. My bro in law just died 17 days ago. So of course my sis, and 3 kids are struggling. I will share this with her, as practical help.
I’m so sorry to hear about your brother in law. Just doing the next thing is sometimes the only thing we can do. And that’s ok.
That says it perfectly, Linda. I tend not to look too far ahead because that’s when we start to feel like we’re drowning. If we just face our struggles head on, one day at a time, it’s a lot less stressful!
very true, Danielle. Borrowing troubles from tomorrow can make us feel like we are drowning. One day at a time!