What a fantastic collection of ideas and articles we had last week on our Hearts for Home Blog Hop! Our most viewed post was this fantastic Free Printable Planner from Becoming Christine Smith (click on image to see post and download):
And for my Featured Posts this week (click on images to visit the full posts):
Good Manners are a valuable commodity, and this post has some great ideas to help instill them in your children.
Love the braided edging on this blanket. Just might find its way around the edge of someone’s Christmas present this year!
Gardening is so therapeutic, so worthwhile, so kid-friendly. This post has given me TONS of ideas to try in our gardens!
Isn’t this the sweetest? So cool and comfortable and classic.
We’ll be working on nature journals this coming school year and these will be perfect! A little art and creativity along with our science lessons.
Did you know nearly 20 bloggers co-host this party every week? You can meet them all <here>. We love spreading the ideas and inspiration you share with us every week! Grab the button below and display on your own blog if you’d like to spread the news and share the love, letting others know where to come for encouragement and inspiration in cultivating Hearts for Home.

<div align="center"><a href="http://www.marriagemotherhoodandmissions.com/hearts-for-home-blog-hop-hosts/" title="Hearts for Home Blog Hop" target="_blank"><img src="http://www.marriagemotherhoodandmissions.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/CoHostH4HButton300x300.jpg" alt="Hearts for Home Blog Hop" style="border:none;" /></a></div>

Linda, thank you so much for hosting this link-up which is a great encouragement to homeschoolers!! The topic I linked has been on my mind, so I decided to share it today, thinking that I may be speaking for other mamas as well. It’s a journey, isn’t it…although one that is mostly filled with joy!
Hope you are all enjoying a wonderful summer! Ours has been crazy-busy, but definitely wonderful!
I’m so glad you stopped in to share at the party this week, Cheryl. I’m always encouraged by what you have to share! I know your post this week will encourage many. Thank you!