I am already seeing Doorbuster Specials for Black Friday in my inbox. Christmas commercials hit the airwaves as soon as the little goblins were tucked into bed Halloween night. That’s rushing things just a bit for me, so instead I’m working hard to adopt an attitude of gratitude each day, looking for ways I can encourage and connect with my family while I still have them here under my roof. Along with that ‘savor the moments’ mentality comes the need to plan ahead a little. That’s where tips like those shared in the post that received the most clicks is perfect timing for me. Check it out yourself – 10 Ways to Improve Your Christmas Right Now.
My featured posts this week are:
- Where Do All Those Dishes Come From? is a post by a homeschool mom who looks back over her week, sharing the funny things, the good things and the things that make you scratch your head in wonderment. (she invites you to link up with here, too!)
- Rockport Revisited – Rebuilding after Disaster is a post that gives us a first-hand view of the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey and helps us put some things in life into perspective.
- How Journaling Helps Me is a post full of great ideas for the why and the how when it comes to journaling. Simple non-fussy ways you can get your thoughts and goals down on paper.
And Now ~ This Week’s Encouraging Hearts & Home Blog Hop!
The Encouraging Hearts & Home Bloggers
Join your Encouraging Hearts & Home hosts each week for encouragement and support for your heart & your home. We hope to provide a space that builds each other up and lends a helping hand along the way. With all the negativity in the world, let’s shine a positive light!
How to Link Up
- Use the form below to share your posts this week, and maybe you’ll discover some new ideas from all the fabulous links!
- Please share only your family friendly posts with us!
- Please only link up images that you have the rights to use.
- By linking up, you agree that if your blog post is selected to be featured on any of our hosts’ blogs, we can use an image from your post with a link back to your post.
Other nice things you can do
- Follow and/or subscribe to your host’s blog.
- Visit a few other bloggers and show them your support. We all love getting comments, and who knows what inspiration you may find? Be sure to share the love–that’s what a blog hop is all about!
- If you are interested in co-hosting, contact Anne at anne@mylearningtable.com

Thanks for featuring my journaling post!
My pleasure, Jennifer 🙂 It was just what I needed to read this week!
Thanks for hosting! Looks like some really wonderful features from last week.
Every week there are surprises – it’s so fun searching for little nuggets and real gems. Glad you have been joining us!
Thank you for hosting this inspirational party. Enjoy your week!
So glad you stopped by, Marilyn 🙂 always something exciting to discover, isn’t there?