Do you have a spot spot you wish you could keep hidden, because it’s so full of stuff there’s not room to walk? Do you have a spot where you toss everything you don’t know what to do with? It might be a closet, cupboard or drawer, it might be a spare room or <gasp> the master bedroom! I have one ten many, and I’m thinking most of us do.
It can be overwhelming trying to find a way to approach that scary spot. Finding the motivation to tackle that space can be overwhelming, I know. But there’s hope – and help – and motivation!
The people at Ultimate Bundles have teamed up with Dana K. White from A Slob Comes Clean to bring you the Declutter Your Scariest Space Challenge and it’s available to you, now!
Here’s what you’ll get when you join this free challenge:
- a 15-minute video where Dana teaches you the smartest, fastest way to clean up a cluttered space
- printable worksheets to walk you through the challenge step-by-step
- The mindset and tools you’ll need to start decluttering with confidence
- 2 questions (only 2!) that can help you decide what to keep and what to get rid of
- How to find the perfect home for every item you hang on to
- What to do with unwanted items you feel guilty throwing away
- How to know when to wrap up and feel great about what you’ve accomplished
This challenge will give you the tools to whip your scariest space into shape!
Register (totally free!) for the Declutter Your Scariest Space Challenge – just click HERE or on the image below.
I have been following Dana and using her methods for a long while now. She and her “two questions” were lifesavers when we had to downsize before our cross-country move a couple years ago. I hope you’ll join me in this decluttering challenge journey let’s make progress together!

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