Welcome to my blog.
- Blog. I really do think it is an ugly word.
- CyberJournal? Sounds a bit cold and robot-like.
While I search for just the right word to describe what I’m doing here, I hope you’ll come in and browse around and find it a warm and welcoming place to be.
Each week I plan to share bits and pieces of my days as we continue on this journey of raising a family and learning to let go as they venture out into life on their own.
We’ll talk about tools like menu planning and chore charts and laundry schedules that make day to day life more manageable. I’ll throw around ideas to help travel and vacations and holidays go more smoothly. We’ll have some show-and-tell as we do some creating and crafting. You’ll get an up-close-and-personal peek into the education process in our homeschool. We’ve graduated 4 so far, only 4 more to go!
So please join me! I pray you’ll be encouraged and blessed here. I look forward to sharing with old friends and getting acquainted with new friends.

You are an amazing woman!
Not really – but you are a sweetie! Thanks for being a great support and encouragement 🙂