Laundry: a mundane, tedious, never-ending task. There was a time when I had full-time help with my laundry – my own personal laundress. It was wonderful! When our daughter finished her high school work, she took over laundry duties for our family. What a blessing! That freed me up to get other things done, like schooling her younger siblings, getting meals on the table, etc.
And then she went off and got herself married. With a home and family of her own now, I can’t exactly ask her to come do my laundry.
So I was left without a personal laundress. Nothing I could do but take back my laundry duties. To my surprise, I’ve actually enjoyed it!
10 reasons Why I Enjoy Laundry Duty
- Sorting laundry is an activity that keeps the hands busy while leaving the brain free to think. Have a problem to solve? sort laundry. Have an attitude to correct? sort laundry. Have a decorating dilemma? sort laundry. You get the idea.
- Laundry Day is the perfect time to get set up for the Great Seasonal Switch-Over. Those light and airy sundresses, those tank tops and shorts are now clean and folded and ready for winter storage.
- Along with the seasonal clothing changes comes the time to weed out clothing that no longer fits. When I find myself washing that t-shirt “so-and-so” refuses to give up even though there’s a gap above the waistband of his bluejeans, I can stealthily slip it into the donate pile, and then don a look of vague recollection when asked “Mom where’d that shirt go?!” — anyone else have trouble convincing their child that some things just MUST go?
- Laundry day also gives me the opportunity to purge a bit. How many pairs of pink short does “you-know-who” need, anyway! Time to donate a pair, or 2 or 3. I’m sure there is some other princess-fashionista ready and willing to give a good home to these lovely garments.
- Speaking of the fashionista – I learn a lot about my family’s fashion sense when I work my way through the mountains of laundry on Wash Day. This daughter is definitely into pink and purple. That child seems to wear mostly soft knits in bold colors. Another wears jeans everyday, hardly ever puts on a pair of shorts, while his brother wears shorts year round. Oh! and no more ruffles for that girl. Hmmm, make note Mama. No need spending money on clothing they refuse to wear.
- I mentioned paring down duplicates and tossing outgrown clothing. Another important task to take care of is mending. Can that seam be re-sewn? Can I patch that knee? Here’s a button needing to be replaced.
- You’ll learn much about your children and their interests on laundry days. Have you cleaned out an 8 year old’s pockets lately? Marbles and nerf ammunition and candy wrappers with already-chewed gum wrapped up inside, rocks and sticks and {affiliate link up ahead!} lego mini figures, coins and brown crayon bits, paper shavings and frogs and plastic army men. . . There are stories to tell with each item. These are things important to them. Stories that need to be shared.
- With the sound of running water and the children occupied elsewhere in the house (working on school assignments I hope) I often get lost as I reminisce days-gone-by. I relive moments as I picks up a sweet dress our youngest wore while splashing through mud puddles, transported back to a day when our other girls wore the same dress. Or maybe I find myself shaking out dirt from rolled up cuffs after the boys have been out exploring, shaking my head and laughing as I recall a day long a go when our now grown up sons collected dirt in the same way.
- As I sort my family’s laundry, wash it clean, dry it soft, fold it neat, I find it gives me opportunity to pray over each of my loved ones. Monday is Laundry Day here. I find it the perfect way to get a good start to our week.
- Aaaahhhhhhh. There is satisfaction in a job well done.
I thank God for my family, for daily opportunities to serve them, for dirty laundry. Are you blessed with the privilege of doing your family’s laundry? Do you have a set laundry day/routine?
this post linked up over at Top Ten Tuesday and Raising Homemakers and Proverbs 31 Thursdays.

Linda, it was such fun to have a peek into your laundry room as you’re doing this all important task! It looks like you have found a way (many ways!) to serve your family and redeem the time as well. Making the moments count. Thanks for sharing your ideas!
Thank you for this encouraging post! With six kids laundry can be overwhelming and sometimes you just need to look at things in a different light. Thank you!
I’m so glad you were encouraged, Janelle 🙂 I, too, need a reminder at times to take a look from a different angle. It can make hard things a little easier. Thank you for your sweet comment, Enjoy the rest of your week!
I enjoyed reading this Linda! Great list with some great tips! Thank you for sharing this week on the Art of Home-Making Mondays!
thank you for your sweet comment, JES. I’m happy you liked this post and I always enjoy visiting Home-Making Mondays!
Good morning Linda… I have FEATURED this post this morning on the Art of Home-Making Mondays. Happy wash day! 🙂
How exciting! This gives me one more good thing to think on while loading my laundry today. Thank you! I’ll be popping over for a visit soon 🙂
I enjoyed reading this, and I actually enjoy doing laundry for many of the reasons you mentioned. I have always enjoyed hanging my laundry outside, and now that my home schooling days are over, I enjoy this contemplative task even more. Being out in the fresh air, listening to the birds, watching the changing patterns of clouds, going barefoot in the grass, seeing the lines full of clothes blowing in the breeze, and just meditating are some of the things that make laundry days
I love the image you paint, Wendy. We all need to take time to soak in our everyday tasks and find the joy and blessing in them. Thank you so much for stopping by and sharing with us today.
I always volunteer to fold laundry; I prop open a book, get comfy on the bed and fold while reading! I too use that time to take away outgrown clothing items or ones with holes/ stains that I no longer want them wearing. It’s very therapeutic.
I am the worst at mending! My mending pile gets forgotten so often that kids outgrow the item before I ever get it fixed.
I confess I do not mend as much as I used to. My girls do a great job taking care of their own things these days! My boys? not so much, so I still get practice.